The Policy

Complaints received by The Tourism Group (TTG) are all taken seriously. We endeavour to investigate and resolve any issue objectively, thoroughly, and fairly.

It is the policy of TTG to address each complaint in a professional and timely manner to ensure that a mutually satisfactory outcome is achieved. TTG draws from issues raised through the complaints procedure to review our services where appropriate and practical as part of our own ongoing commitment to improvement.

The objective of our policy is to ensure:

  • Stakeholders are aware of our complaint lodgement and handling process
  • TTG’s staff understand our complaints handling process
  • Complaints are investigated promptly and objectively in considering all the circumstances, information and evidence arising from a complaint.


Definition of a Complaint

A complaint refers to an expression of concern, dissatisfaction or frustration with the quality or delivery of a service, a policy or procedure, undertaken or delivered by TTG.


Complaints Handling Process

Complaints about TTG should be made by via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Alternatively, your complaint can be mailed to: SQT Partners Pty Ltd trading as The Tourism Group, PO Box 5102, Daisy Hill, Queensland, Australia 4127.

Information should include:

  • Your contact details
  • The nature of the complaint described clearly and accurately including, where, when (including dates and times), and the reason for the complaint
  • Details of any steps taken to resolve the complaint
  • Copies of any documentation that supports the complaint
  • Expectations regarding the resolution of the issue.


TTG’s Complaints Handling Process:

  1. Receipt of your complaint will be acknowledged in writing
  2. All complaints will be reviewed to ensure that we fully understand the complainant’s concerns
  3. TTG will ensure objectivity during the complaint process. Personnel directly involved in the complaint (including those acting in a managerial capacity) will be excluded from the review process or determination of a complaint
  4. The complainant will be kept up to date with our progress
  5. On completion of the investigation, we will provide the complainant with a full response in writing.


Appeals Process

If you are unhappy with our decision our appeals procedure will also be made available. Appeals must be made in writing giving full details of the appeal and relevant supporting or additional information should be provided. We will acknowledge receipt of any appeal and contact the stakeholder to address the issue.

In each case the Director/s of TTG will make the final decision in reviewing an appeal. Their decision will be final and binding for both the appellant and TTG.

This policy will be reviewed by the Director/s every three years.


Wayne Clift & Paul Manias

Joint Directors

December 2023






The Tourism Group Head Office:

Level 5, 189 Grey Street,

South Brisbane,

Queensland Australia 4011.